Arnoald of Metz, 560611 (aged 51 years)

Arnoald /of Metz/
Birth 560

Bishop of Metz between 601 and 609(11)

Death of a fatherAnsbertus NN

Death of a motherBlithilde NN

Death 611 (aged 51 years)

Family with parents
Family with Oda NN

Arnoald From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Arnoald, also called Arnoldus or Arnual (ca 560 ??? ca 611), was a Bishop of Metz between 601 and 609 or 611, the successor of Agilulf, and a Margrave of Schelde. He was the son of Ansbertus, a Senator, and wife Blithilde. Married before 584 to Oda (?), born ca 564, they were the parents of: Saint Itta, married to Pippin of Landen Dode or Doda, also called Dode of Metz, Dode of Old Saxony or Doda the Saxon, who became a nun in 612 at Treves becoming called also Clothilde of Treves, born ca 584, married ca 596 to Arnulf of Metz Father of St. Arnulf of Metz It is a subject of much debate among genealogists whether or not Arnoald is the father of Arnulf bishop of Metz, who, according to Christian Settipani's early publications, is a perfect candidate. Settipani contradicts himself in newer publications, stating that Arnulf of Metz couldn't have been Arnoald's son given to no mention of the former having any royal blood. Further speculation indicate Arnulf's father could be a Bodegisel, based on documents from old Frankish legends. This statement is also uncertain. He states instead that Arnoald was Arnulf's father in law.