Albert I Count of Namur, 9501011 (aged 61 years)

Albert I /Count of Namur/
Birth about 950 20

Death of a fatherRobert I Count of Lomme
before 981 (aged 31 years)

Death of a motherERMENGARDEof Lorraine
981 (aged 31 years)

Birth of a sonALBERT II graaf Count of Namur
estimated 1000 (aged 50 years)

Death about 1011 (aged 61 years)

Family with parents
Family with Ermengarde of Lower Lorraine

ALBERT, son of ROBERT [I] Comte de Namur & his wife --- (-shortly before 1011). Albert, Gislebert and Ratbod are named as sons of Comte Robert in a charter dated 981[30]. He succeeded as ALBERT I Comte de Namur. "Otto???rex" confirmed the privileges of Brogne abbey "in pago Lomacensis situm" by charter dated 992 which names "comiti???Namuci Adelberto"[31]. His date of death is suggested by a record, dated to 1011, of a monk from St Vaast d'Arras dreaming of hell where he recognised "Albertum Namucensium comitatui" being tortured, the episode being incorporated into a circular letter from Richard Bishop of Verdun to all abbeys[32]. m (990) ERMENGARDE, daughter of CHARLES Duke of Lower Lotharingia [Carolingian] & wife Adelais de Troyes ([970/75]-after 1013). The Genealogica comitum Buloniensium records that "Karolus dux" was father of "Ermengardem et Gerbergam"[33]. The Gesta Abbatem Trudonensium, on the other hand, names "Hermegardam Namursi cometissam" as only daughter of "Ottoni duci Lotharingi?", son of Duke Charles[34]. This appears chronologically difficult to sustain, assuming that Ermengarde was the mother of Albert's children as shown below. It would also mean that her daughter Liutgarde could not have been the mother of Baldric [II] Bishop of Li?ge (see below), already tight chronologically if Ermengarde married in 990. The Fundatio Ecclesi? S Albani Namucensis is less specific on Ermengarde's origin when it names her son "comes Albertus secundus, ortus ex patre Lothariensi" and refers to his mother as "matre vero Francigena Ermengarde, nobilissimam Francorum regum prosapiam trahente"[35]. The date of her marriage is suggested by the fact that Richer does not name her among the children who were imprisoned with her father in 991: "Karolum???cum uxore Adelaide et filio Ludovico, et filiabus duabus, quarum altera Gerberga, altera Adelaidis dicebatur, necnon et Arnulfo nepote"[36]. This presumably indicates that her marriage predated this imprisonment. It has been suggested that Ermengarde was Albert [I]'s second wife, considering the likely difference in their ages[37]. If this is correct, it is unlikely that there were any surviving children from his earlier marriage as Albert's successor (presumably his eldest surviving son) was the son of his surviving wife, presumably Ermengarde, as shown by the Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium which records that "Rotberdo Namurcensi comite" betrayed Lambert Comte de Louvain after the battle of Hougaerde (dated to 1013) and that Lambert, captured by "Herimannum???comitem", was released after the intervention of "Rotbodi???comitis mater"[38]. Comte Robert I & his wife had [six] children: 1. ROBERT de Namur (-before 1031). The Fundatio Ecclesi? S Albani Namucensis names "comes Albertus secundus, ortus ex patre Lothariensi, matre vero Francigena Ermengarde, nobilissimam Francorum regum prosapiam trahente"[39], which is assumed to indicate that Comte Albert and Ermengardis were the parents of Robert. He succeeded as ROBERT II Comte de Namur. The Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium records that "Rotberdo Namurcensi comite" betrayed Lambert Comte de Louvain after the battle of Hougaerde (dated to 1013), that Lambert was captured by "Herimannum???comitem" but released after the intervention of "Rotbodi???comitis mater"[40]. The Miracula Sancti Veroni names "comitem Ratbodum" when recording that he recovered from fever after being taken to the relics of St Veronus[41]. "Heinricus???Romanorum imperator augustus" brought under his protection the abbey of Saint-Jean de Florennes "in pago et in comitatu Lommensi sitam, cuius nunc comes adest Ratbodus", founded by Gerard Bishop of Cambrai, by charter dated 1018[42]. m ---. No reference has been found to the wife of Comte Robert II. Comte Robert II & his wife had one child: a) son . The Miracula Sancti Gengulfi name "Radbodus Namurcensium comes" and record that "filio suo morte gravatu" was cured by St Gengulf[43]. No other reference has been found to this child, who presumably died young. 2. ALBERT de Namur (-[1063/64]). The Genealogica comitum Buloniensium records that "Ermengardis" was mother of "Albertum comitem de Namuco"[44]. He succeeded his brother as ALBERT II Comte de Namur. He founded Saint-Aubain at Namur, as shown by the Fundatio Ecclesi? S Albani Namucensis which records "comes Albertus secundus, ortus ex patre Lothariensi, matre vero Francigena Ermengarde, nobilissimam Francorum regum prosapiam trahente" as founder of the church[45]. m REGELINDIS of Lower Lotharingia, daughter of GOZELON I Duke of Lower Lotharingia & his wife ---. The Fundatio ecclesi? Sancti Albani Namurcensis refers to the wife of "comes Albertus secundus" as "Gothelonis ducis filia" but does not name her[46]. The Chronicon Hanoniense names "Gosseclone ducis Lotharingie???[filia] Raelendem" as wife of "Alberto comiti"[47]. The Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names "Godefridum ducem, Odam et Regelindam" as children of "Gozelo, frater Arnulphi et Godefridi"[48]. Her birth date range is estimated from her eldest son being born before 1035. She was given Durbuy as her dowry by her father. Comte Albert II & his wife had two children: a) ALBERT de Namur (before 10 Aug 1035-22 Jun 1102). The Genealogica comitum Buloniensium records that "Albertum comitem de Namuco" was father of "Albertum et fratrem eius Heinricum comitem de Durboio"[49]. He succeeded his father as ALBERT III Comte de Namur. - see below. b) HENRI [I] de Namur (-after 23 Apr 1088). The Genealogica comitum Buloniensium records that "Albertum comitem de Namuco" was father of "Albertum et fratrem eius Heinricum comitem de Durboio"[50]. The Chronicon Huberti names "Albertus comes Namucensis et Henricus Durboiensis", but does not specify the relationship between them[51]. Comte de Durbuy. "Heinricus???Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed donations to St Jakob, Li?ge by charter dated 23 Apr 1088, at the request of "Heinrico comite de Durbui"[52]. - COMTES de DURBUY. 3. HEDWIG [Hadewide] de Namur ([1005/10]-28 Jan [1080]). The Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names "Hadewidem et Emmam de Los" as the two daughters of "Ermengardis [fili? Karoli ducis]" and as mother of "Theodericum ducem et Gerardum comitem fratres"[53]. It is likely that Hedwig was born during that latter part of the married life of her parents, given her own death in [1080] and her father's death before 1010. The Liber Memoriales of Remiremont records the donation of "Haduydis ducissa???consentientibus filiis suis duce Teoderico atque comite Girardo"[54]. "Hadewidis ductrix" founded the abbey of Ch?tenois by charter dated to after 1075, confirmed "post obitum ductricis Hadewidis" by "dux Theodericus filius eius"[55]. m GERARD Duke of Upper Lotharingia, son of GERHARD Graf & his wife Gisela --- (-Remiremont [14 Apr 1070]). 4. [LIUTGARDE [Emma] de Namur . The Vita Arnulfi names "Lugerdam, Godam, Ermengardam" as the three sisters of "Albertus comes Namurcensis"[56]. The Gesta Abbatem Trudonensium names "Lutgarde filia Hermegardis Namurcensis comitiss?, Ottonis prefati ducis filie" as wife of "Ottonis comitis de Los", parents of Baldric [II] Bishop of Li?ge[57]. The Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names "Hadewidem et Emmam de Los" as the two daughters of "Ermengardis [fili? Karoli ducis]"[58]. From a chronological point of view, an additional generation in the family of the Comtes de Looz, between Rudolf (967) and Gislebert ([1044/46]), would not be surprising. Nevertheless the chronology is tight for a daughter of Albert I Comte de Namur and his wife Ermengardis (married in 990) to have been the mother of Baldric Bishop of Li?ge (installed as bishop in 1008), unless the latter's installation was in his adolescence (not impossible but requiring Papal dispensation, of which no record has been found). m OTTO Comte de Looz, son of [RUDOLF & his wife ---.] 5. GODA de Namur . The Vita Arnulfi names "Lugerdam, Godam, Ermengardam" as the three sisters of "Albertus comes Namurcensis", specifying that Goda was mother of "Meinsindam matrem sancti Arnulfi episcopi Suessioni?"[59], although this may not be a reliable source as it is inaccurate in recording the descendants of Goda's supposed sister Liutgarde. [m ---. No indication has been found about the identity of Goda?s husband.] Goda & her husband had one child: a) [MEINSINDA . The Vita Arnulfi names "Lugerdam, Godam, Ermengardam" as the three sisters of "Albertus comes Namurcensis", specifying that Goda was mother of "Meinsindam matrem sancti Arnulfi episcopi Suessioni?"[60], although this may not be a reliable source as it is inaccurate in recording the descendants of Goda's supposed sister Liutgarde. m ---. No indication has been found about the identity of Meinsinda?s husband.] Meinsinda & her husband had [one child]: i) [ARNOUL (-Oudenbourg, Bruges 1087). The Vita Arnulfi names "Lugerdam, Godam, Ermengardam" as the three sisters of "Albertus comes Namurcensis", specifying that Goda was mother of "Meinsindam matrem sancti Arnulfi episcopi Suessioni?"[61], although this may not be a reliable source as it is inaccurate in recording the descendants of Goda's supposed sister Liutgarde. He entered the Benedictine monastery of Saint M?dard at Soisson in 1060. Bishop of Soissons 1081. He resigned from the see, and retired to the monastery of Oudenbourg which he had founded.] 6. ERMENGARDE de Namur . The Vita Arnulfi names "Lugerdam, Godam, Ermengardam" as the three sisters of "Albertus comes Namurcensis"[62]. ALBERT I VAN NAMEN, geb. ca. 950, ovl. kort voor 1011, graaf van Namen, vermeld vanaf 981, wordt door Otto III belast met de bescherming van de abdij Brogne in 992, wanneer voor het eerst de titel "graaf van Namen" (comes Namuci) voorkomt, tr. 990, [2] ERMENGARDE VAN NEDER-LOTHARINGEN, ovl. na 1047 (verm. 1049). Uit dit huwelijk:[3] a. Robert II van Namen, geb. ca. 995, ovl. ca. 1018. b. Albert II van Namen, geb. ca. 1000 ovl 1063/64, c. Liutgard Emma van Namen, geb. ca. 1000, ovl. ca. 1050. Uit dit huwelijk volgens Ref. verder nog: a. Hedwig van Namen, ovl. 28 jan. na 1067. Albert I, Graaf VAN NAMEN, Vermeld vanaf 981, wordt door Otto III belast met de bescherming van de abdij Brogne op 31 maart of 30 april 992, overleden kort voor 1011. Getrouwd met Ermengard VAN LOTHARINGEN. [bron: Karel de Grote stamreeks 1, nr. 8] 6158926661. Ermengard VAN LOTHARINGEN, Overleden na 1047, waarschijnlijk in 1049. [bron: Karel de Grote stamreeks 1, nr. 8] UIT DIT HUWELIJK: Robert II, Graaf van Namen. Voor het laatst vermeld in 1018. Albert II, Graaf van Namen, zie nr. 3079463330. Geboren ca. 1000, overleden tussen juli 1063 en juli 1064, oud ca. 63 jaar